How to get rid of groud loop noise from dish ?

I just bought a sony 9000 DVD player, but when I connect the component connecters to my tv I get ground hum in my stereo system. I tried filters on the incoming coax, but the signal from direct tv will not pass through it(it did get rid of the hum). Does anyone have any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
There is also a small coax device designed to get the hum out. Mondail makes one, it's called the Magic Box. I believe Audio Advisor and Audio Outlet both sell it.
Simple: attach one end of a wire (maybe with an alligator clip) to the outside sleeve of the satellite TV coax cable (where it enters the receiver) and ground the other end. You can also buy a Radio Shack ground block for cable TV that has a little screw for connecting such a wire. don't spend more than $5 on this problem.
I have EXACTLY the same problem with my TV and Sony DVP9000ES. I need to read this in more detail - at least you know you're not the only one, pal :)

I'll be damned! Pal Do what Bob Bundus said. It's cheap and fast and WORKS!
I also had this horizonal line floating on the TV thing, too and THEY BOTH ARE FIXED NOW!
Believe Bob when he says use a cable tie. The connection on the coax needs to be tight for it to really work. To test it, push hard and you'll see it goes away. I had to take the cover plate off to get a good fit on house ground, for now.
THANKS, my Friend! U DA MAN!

happy to be of service, per usual...
Simply use a clean (no oil residue) wire brush on that coax shield to scrape away the oxidized metal for a better connection.