Best Class A Int. Amp?

I am looking for the best bang for the buck, I know Levinson,Krell,Wadia, and those kind of folks make great amps but most are out of my budget. I know there have got to be some sleepers out there that will compete with these guys at bargain prices on the used market, I just don't know who they are and can't audition because I am buying used. My budget for the amp is $2000. I am using Vandy 2ce's right now but will be upgrading to a class A speaker over the next 6 months and want to get a quality class A amp for them. I am now using the Acurus A250 amp with the Chiro C800 preamp and Vandy 2W subs.I could really use your advice as to the best buy for the money on this amp. Thank you for your help and reply.
If your budget is 2K, then the Plinius 8150 is out. Last I checked retail was 3K. I have seen them used for about 2K. Plinius has updated their smaller integrated, formerly the 2100i, now the 8200. I would check it out. I recently purchased the ECI-3 used for 1400.00. I have been very pleased and would do the same again. If you could find a ECI-3 for about the same this would leave you a nice budget for interconnect to source which I have found to be almost as critical as the amp itself. Good luck!
Correction to above. I believe the new version of the Plinius 2100i is in fact the 8100! Just ask for the one that is 2K, there is only one. Cheers!
I'm just burning in my new pass labs x-150. $2,500. You can buy a great Audio Research tube pre-amp as well. I auditioned the following integrated before purchasing my pass labs. krell kav300i, 500i, classe cap 150, I bought the pass lab.
YBA Integre, Kora Design 30 or Mercury Integrated, the Acoustic Masterpiece Stereo Block.