Here's the calculation:
Calculate the moment of inertia then divide by the square of the effective length. The MOI is = mass times distance squared. Or use the calculator.
No, I wasn't confusing resonance of the arm tube with low frequency resonance, but they're inextricably linked. The idea is to prevent resonance from increasing into an atomic explosion, while dissipating vibrations.
I'm not advocating resonance outside of the neutral zone, just pointing out a couple of conceptual errors.
Calculate the moment of inertia then divide by the square of the effective length. The MOI is = mass times distance squared. Or use the calculator.
No, I wasn't confusing resonance of the arm tube with low frequency resonance, but they're inextricably linked. The idea is to prevent resonance from increasing into an atomic explosion, while dissipating vibrations.
I'm not advocating resonance outside of the neutral zone, just pointing out a couple of conceptual errors.