Thank you to all who have contributed here....😍
For a few years, I have bought and sold a variety of vintage MM and LOMC cartridges together with vintage Japanese tonearms of different masses and designs....and I have been astonished at the sound quality that is possible compared to the modern genus of LOMC cartridges and their currently lauded tonearms....👀❓
The most startling aspect of these experiences...has been the elevation in sound quality when using cartridges in arms that are decidedly a 'bad match' according to the theoretical Arm/Cartridge Resonant Frequency equation....😎❓
With the very high-mass FR-66s tonearms.....virtually ALL the high-compliance MM cartridges I mount on them, transcend their often humble status to become magical devices emitting radiance, tranquility and bliss unheard from them in lesser arms....😘
I'm not talking degrees of betterment here.....I'm talking paradigm shifts of exaltation...👋🎼🎵🎶
For five years...I have been trying to reconcile this fact against the apparent collision with scientific thought...😱
And I now think I have...😃
It really matters naught to me and my musical enjoyment that the majority of audiophiles accept the dictum that "heavy arms are better for low-compliance cartridges and light arms are better for high-compliance ones"...except that:-
1. They are depriving themselves of potentially mind-blowing experiences
2. Their constant recommendations to Newbies on the multiple audio Forums based on this dictum, are depriving others of possible wonderful experiences
Now I have sold many MM cartridges which I bought but which failed to excite me on any one of a dozen or so arms...😭
What's the big deal...❓😎
So what's the big deal if you try a cartridge and arm combination (which is NOT recommended)...and it doesn't work for you...❓
So sell one or the other...
It's not the end of the world...😃
And you may be in for a big and exultant surprise...😘❓🎶
For a few years, I have bought and sold a variety of vintage MM and LOMC cartridges together with vintage Japanese tonearms of different masses and designs....and I have been astonished at the sound quality that is possible compared to the modern genus of LOMC cartridges and their currently lauded tonearms....👀❓
The most startling aspect of these experiences...has been the elevation in sound quality when using cartridges in arms that are decidedly a 'bad match' according to the theoretical Arm/Cartridge Resonant Frequency equation....😎❓
With the very high-mass FR-66s tonearms.....virtually ALL the high-compliance MM cartridges I mount on them, transcend their often humble status to become magical devices emitting radiance, tranquility and bliss unheard from them in lesser arms....😘
I'm not talking degrees of betterment here.....I'm talking paradigm shifts of exaltation...👋🎼🎵🎶
For five years...I have been trying to reconcile this fact against the apparent collision with scientific thought...😱
And I now think I have...😃
It really matters naught to me and my musical enjoyment that the majority of audiophiles accept the dictum that "heavy arms are better for low-compliance cartridges and light arms are better for high-compliance ones"...except that:-
1. They are depriving themselves of potentially mind-blowing experiences
2. Their constant recommendations to Newbies on the multiple audio Forums based on this dictum, are depriving others of possible wonderful experiences
Now I have sold many MM cartridges which I bought but which failed to excite me on any one of a dozen or so arms...😭
What's the big deal...❓😎
So what's the big deal if you try a cartridge and arm combination (which is NOT recommended)...and it doesn't work for you...❓
So sell one or the other...
It's not the end of the world...😃
And you may be in for a big and exultant surprise...😘❓🎶