Best integrated ever made ?

I heard the new Audio Analogue Maestro Integrated yesterday morning at a local dealer. I bought it yesterday evening, and i am currently selling all my audio gear...

Im curious to know what others who have heard it think of it and its future. The press here in France is saying its going to eat up the competition and cause a major stir in the industry.

As its been out for about two months and i havent seen anything on the internet about it, i was kinda curious.

Badwisdom: I have not heard about this particular model, and would be interested to know more. Will you add some additional details, such as cost, features, power, type of amplification (SS or tube?), performance spec's, etc., and of course, what particular quality led you to buy it?

There are a number of excellent integrated amps on the market right now, and clearly this sector of equipment is becoming much more popular. From both an engineering and cost standpoint, integrateds make a lot of sense. Some of the high-end manufacturers, such as Mark Levinson, have jumped into the market with some fine offerings, but I am particularly intrigued by the excellent units being offered in the $1500-2000 range, such as the Bryston BP-60 and the Creek 5350.

I'd like to see this discussion thread expand, and learn about the experiences that others are having with the integrateds that they think are of particular merit. I have friends who would like to get into high-end audio, but don't have the budget to go with separates, and top-quality integrateds may be just the ticket.
I am currently using a Pathos Twin Towers, and have to say that it is not only the best integrated I've heard, but is one of the best amplifiers I've heard, period (although the LAMMs I heard did beat it). While some have said that it is not the last word in accuracy (it being a bit on the romantic side), it is incredibly musical , with extended bass, crystal clear highs and a midrange purity that few I've heard can match. I find it utterly amazing. I bought it used for $2700 and would rank it as the best deal I've ever gotten in terms of sound-for-the-money...
badwisdom: the audio bluebook lists the maestro as a cd player. is this a new model? does it replace the puccini's? -kelly
Ok here is my recent experience with the integrated that has lead me to the AA Maestro. This is a bit long, but bear with me.

I needed a second system for my home, and decided to go for an integrated product as i didnt want to spend too much money on cables and seperates.

So i bought all the Audiophile magazines i could find, and went to all the Paris Audiophile dealers i could in a week (part of my holidays) and auditionned the following :

Mark Levinson 383
Krell 300il
Gryphon (cant remember model)
Accuphase 407
Copland (the last hybrid model)
electrocompaniet ECI-3
NAD S300

Wanted to audition, but couldnt :
Plinius 8200
Sim Audio I-5

I thought that they were a good representative bunch of the best models being made today.

When going into the auditions, i really had my mind set in getting a really transparent, precise, analytical system. Yes, i was a member of the "Krell" type of sound fan base.

I auditionned the Krell first as i had heard it a couple of months ago with Martin Logans SL3, and i absolutely loved it. Took it home for a couple of days, and was really impressed. It delivered the exact sound i was looking for : great soundstage, extreme precision, clean and fast sound... i was 99.9% sure that this would be the one i would end up buying.

I wont do a product review for each of the ones i auditionned, lets just say that in the end i preferred the Krell. So here i am in this dealer, ready to take my checkbook out and pay the man for a Krell 300il. When two guys come in from the back with a wooden crate, each holding one end with a big black handle. They were struggling : this thing was heavy. I see the words "Audio Analogue" etched in black on one side of the crate and casually ask the dealer :
"Hey whats that ?"
"Thats the beast"
"The what ?"
"We call it the beast. Its a 54kg Integrated from Audio Analogue. But you won't like it, its pretty close to a tube sound and you were pretty definite in the kind of sound you were looking for...."

I see these two guys reaching inside the box with white gloves, and they take out this absolutely HUGE aluminium faced, black winged, 54kg monster. And i then felt i just had to listen to it.... Part 2 coming up next.
Part 2.

The dealer picks up a black floor-levelled rack (the ones which are 6 cm off the ground and only have one level) and puts it in front of his impressive display of Krells, Sonic frontiers and McIntosh equipment.

The two guys slowly bring the thing to the rack, gently levelling it down on top it. I can see its front now : it has an enormous volume control in the middle of the faceplate, an input and record selector, and a standby mode switch. Clean and brushed alluminium faceplate, with "Audio Analogue MAESTRO" in grey letters.

"I thought the Maestro was a CD player ?" i told the dealer.
"Yeah, but now its the meanest and baddest Integrated we have ever heard" (Im translating from french, so these werent his exact words..its what he meant).

He goes in the other room while i crouch and examine the back of the Integrated : XLR inputs , 5 gold plated RCAs (including phono), preamp out....hmm so far so good.

Dealer comes back and shows me two june - july issues of two leading french audio mags :"Look at these. Perfect scores across the board. This hasnt happened in at least 15 years in the audio industry. Never has a product been so praised and loved. Christ even the reviewers are buying these babies by the pound."
"Why ?."
"Because its one of the best integrated they have ever heard, if not the best, and its too cheap. It should cost three times more."

He then goes on to explain that Audio Analogue is struggling to satisfy orders, and that european dealers are fighting to get units.

Im thinking that i now owe it to myself to listen to this "Beast", even if Ive never been sensitive or attracted to the tuby warmer side of audiophilia. Ive heard the Cayin's, the Audio Research, the Jadis etc... Never did a thing for me. I kept going back to the 'Krells and co.'.

The two handymen leave, and the dealer starts unpacking the accessories : a 2.5cm thick 2m long power cord with tight blue plastic cover, an aluminium plated remote control with 6 buttons. He hands it to me. Its heavy, and very well built.

"And this comes as standard...???"
"Yes" he answers with a smile. "Crazy isnt it ?"

I hand him my test CDs and go immediately to the couch. I then ask him for some technical info before we listen to it to get a general idea of what i was getting into.

"150 Watts per channel @ 8ohms, frequency response 1hz ~ 250khz, -3db, 2 x 1500Va transformers.... thats right, not one, but two. Which explains the 54kg".
"I see".

He plugs in his Vertigo speakers, his matching Audio Analogue CD player (a prototype lent to him by AAnalogue, thats another story) and the power cord. He switches it on.

Then all hell starts to break loose.

Part 3 next.