i tried the musical surroundings unit,& it was a bit too dry for my taste. ask carl eber about his experience, tho - he thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. during my search for it, and its replacement, i heard a couple folks say the anthem p-10 was better than the m/s or the black cube. based on that, i'd try the aragon 47k, as it can be had for ~$450 new, and it's the anthem's bigger brother. i'm very happy w/the pentagon ps-1, but it's ~$1750 new - i got mine for $600 demo, cuz no one in the usa has ever heard of it, & the dealer wanted to make it go away... i've also heard the benz lucashek is nice, tho i've never heard it. for bargain-basement, i'd get a db-systems from jerry raskins s the needle dr. (or elsewhere?), yust based upon the sound of their active x-over - great electronics for little money. doug