Best Integrated for SF Signum?

This is my first post in this forum. I recently fell in love with Signum. My current equipment is; Marantz SR-18EX, Pioneer 525, DH Labs Q-10 + siver bananas, and Energy Encore 5.1 package (one pair used for main is now up for sale). As you can see, I am shifting from HT to more 2 ch. I bought Signum because Marantz is so good and it deserve more decent mains. Now, my bug is telling me that Signum is so good and it deserves more decent amp. Based on my estimate that I will NOT be able to have a much bigger listening room (living with TV and other stuff - there is not much space to spare for equipment) for the next 10 years and that I will stick with Signum for 10 years, I decided to go with integrated. My current candidate are as follows; - Plinius 8200 - Sim Moon - Krell 300i or 500i My favorite music are Classic, especially strings, piano, organ, and choral. Also, I still would like to utilize Marantz and Encore for movie watching. Am I asking too much? Please let me know which one you would recommend, with respect to combination, balance, flexibility (for HT system), and Manufacturers' service. Or if you have strong oppsition to my selection, please free to bash me. Thanks in advance!
PS: Your player is the reccomended mate to my Bel Canto DAC, I believe. How bad could it be?
Dekay, thanks again. Then, it seems batter to buy a nice DAC later. Any info on your Bel Canto?
I have not hooked it up yet as I am still waiting for my digital cable to arrive. I listened to the same model (DAC 1) in a friends system hooked up to an old Marantz player and it made a major improvement. It increased the amount of detail but at the same time gave a smoother sound to the system. Instruments also sounded more like they should (IMO) and because of this I found the presentation to be more relaxing as there was less to (mentaly) find fault with. I thought that the system sounded great before. I guess you never know until you try something else. I hope that the effect is almost as noticeable in my lower resolution system.
Dekay, Which digital cable are you going to use with the canto? Thanks, Rute.
Hi Rute: Don't follow my lead because I am clueless when it comes to digital cables. This is the first time that I will have used one. I received recommendations for Illumination 60, the top of the line Wireworld and Nordost cables and a $300.00 Tara Labs. What I have ordered is a digital cable from Mapleshade (their Double Helix model). I went with this one because I have enjoyed talking with Pierre at Mapleshade in the past in regard to other hi-fi matters and I wanted to check out one of his products. I do not know anyone that has used this cable and I have gone with a product that is completely unknown to me. That said, I am looking forward to checking it out and have an odd hunch that I will like the cable. When I get the system settled in again I will then audition other cables from The Cable Co., but you have to start somewhere and who knows this may be the one.