Vote for the best center speaker here

What do y'all think? Thanks
I'll cast my vote for the B&W HTM1. Its large and has enough low end to cover low male voices and make them sound natural. I've found that many center speakers are too small and really cut off the low end which can be disturbing with low voices or 5.1 concerts.
Aerial CC5. Awesome build quality and definitely better than the CC3b Stereophile Class A Center Channel.
Wow fellas chill out.... I never said that I think it is a good idea to have a stereo/HT integrated. I have Avalon Eclipse up front and with them set up properly a center channel is not needed. Now please just because you disagree with me and Cornfedboy it does not mean you have to give us negative points we are just trying to offer a different option for those who would not have thought of trying it. Any way asking what is the best center channel is like asking what's the best amp? it really depends on what equipment you have around it. I am sure that these are some good suggestions for center channels but well geez let's see how would a Martin Logan Logo's sound with my avalon's next to them? Bring it on -2,-2 I have more points then you can imagine.