Help me find a smooth solid-state amp?

I'm currently in the market for a *smooth* solid state amp (~100-150wpc into 8ohms) to mellow out an exceedingly bright system. I currently have an Adcom GFA-5400 with Adcom preamp and Soliloquy 5.0 monitors. Front end is a Pioneer DVD/CD player. Any suggestions as to what brands I should check out? Names off the top of my head include: Aragon, Classe, Bryston, and McCormack. I'm not too sure of the actual models I should try out. I'm also not averse to buying used items. Thanks. dd
Djjp: Sorry I typed 500 and meant 300 hours above. Still quite a long time, though my little Castles took around 200 or so being played at lower levels.
Check out the Odyssey Stratos ($995) 150W/Ch. This is a very musical sounding amplifier...very smooth and detailed. It's a tough amp to beat at even 2-3 times the price. Log onto or give Klaus a call at (317)299-5578.
B&K ST-140, or the model which replaced it, the ST-1400. Smooth & economical choice.
I would highly reccomend the McCormack DNA-1 power amp coupled withe the ALD-1 pre amp for a very warm sound. However, have them upgraded by Steve McCormack for a dramatic improvement.
I have to check in on the side of those who look to the CD/DVD player and the preamp. The tube preamp suggestion might be a nice start. As would a DAC capable of smoothing things out. The Soliloquy speakers and Adcom power amplifier should not be causing the harshness in the system. This speaker uses a silk dome tweeter(Vifa?) that is difficult to produce harshness with. The Adcom amp is a classic example of a mosfet amp which wants to sound like a tube amp(tube sound for those who do want the bothers of tubes). Overly warm, ripe, murky, and veiled.