Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less

I'm auctioning off my Aragons to put towards the purchase of 'my last amp'. Wondering what people think. I have a Krell HTS as a preamp and Dynaudio 3.3's as mains. All I'm concerned with at this time is two channel sound...home theater can take a back seat for a while. My 'short' list is made up of Mark Levinson 335 or 336,Krell FPB300C or perhaps the FPB600c if I can find a deal,Classe 401, Plinius SA250. My musical tastes lean towards classic rock and jazz.What do you think?
If you must have SS amps.. I suggest you give the Bel Canto Evo a try.. This is a wonderful sounding amp for the $$$. Also check out the Llano trinity series amps. These amps will drive ANY load with ease yet the sound is delicate and musical. mike
Sg69, I would get the Adcom 5802 with Stan Warren modifying it. Or i would get the Marsh A400 Amp.
there are any number of accuphase and jeff rowland design group amps (new or used) at the $10k pricepoint that will better any of your current selection of alternatives. they may not mate well with you krell pre, but then what does? well worth hearing, nonetheless.
I agree with MikeM .... go to and look at the Llano's. They have lots of class A power, lots of current and sound fantastic. You can either go solid state or go to their Trinity design which is a hybrid design with a tube front-end and solid state back-end.
Power Modules 350A,Dave Belles makes a winner here. 250 watts per channel. They sell for $3500.00 new and I doubt you will find a used one. Best solid state i've heard. E-mail me for info. on how to get one, if interested.