I have the upmost opportunity to buy a "Video Essentials" Calibration DVD off of "E-bay" WELL BELOW retail (and believe it or not, it will be from someone from MY hometown...... Washington, D. C.). After reading this thread for about the last two days, I see that you do nothing but swear by THIS DVD, and I am coming to the conclusion that anyone who is SERIOUSLY into home theater SHOULD not be without this DVD. I see that it retails for over $40.00 on "Amazon". But I can get off of "E-bay" for WELL below that (I am going to bid on a couple of them tonight..... that way, if one of them fall through, I'll still be in the running for the other one). Now, what I want to know from you is this: The version I am bidding on came out in 1998. Is this the only version that has ever came out??? And is this the current version?? Or has this DVD been revised since then?? If the 1998 DVD is the current version, then I am going to go ahead and put my bids in tonight. If not, then I'll go ahead and pay retail just so I'll have the up to date version. I know I have an analog/interlaced display right now (a 27-Inch Panasonic CT-27SF37), but when I purchase my HDTV RPTV within the next two years, I am going to find this disc an INDISPENSIBLE tool then, as since I am going to be paying in the neighborhood of $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 for a television, I want to make sure I am getting all of the picture that I'll be paying for then.
I have the upmost opportunity to buy a "Video Essentials" Calibration DVD off of "E-bay" WELL BELOW retail (and believe it or not, it will be from someone from MY hometown...... Washington, D. C.). After reading this thread for about the last two days, I see that you do nothing but swear by THIS DVD, and I am coming to the conclusion that anyone who is SERIOUSLY into home theater SHOULD not be without this DVD. I see that it retails for over $40.00 on "Amazon". But I can get off of "E-bay" for WELL below that (I am going to bid on a couple of them tonight..... that way, if one of them fall through, I'll still be in the running for the other one). Now, what I want to know from you is this: The version I am bidding on came out in 1998. Is this the only version that has ever came out??? And is this the current version?? Or has this DVD been revised since then?? If the 1998 DVD is the current version, then I am going to go ahead and put my bids in tonight. If not, then I'll go ahead and pay retail just so I'll have the up to date version. I know I have an analog/interlaced display right now (a 27-Inch Panasonic CT-27SF37), but when I purchase my HDTV RPTV within the next two years, I am going to find this disc an INDISPENSIBLE tool then, as since I am going to be paying in the neighborhood of $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 for a television, I want to make sure I am getting all of the picture that I'll be paying for then.