I happen to get my "Video Essentials" DVD on E-Bay for just under $25.00 (including shipping and handling), and bought it from a hometown guy (which makes it even sweeter). So far, I have used it twice, and let me tell you, my DVDs have never looked better after I have used "Video Essentials" to calibrate my TV. But I must say that television broadcasts look pale as hell by comparison after looking at a DVD. I have to reset my TV's controls constantly after looking at a DVD. Makes me sort of wonder, are the networks using crappy signals when they are broadcasting their shows??? I think what I must do is come up with a medium somewhere, meaning that I may have to make a note as to what my movies settings are after I use "Video Essentials", and make a note as to what settings I use when I am watching broadcast TV. That way, I can reset the TV controls to those respectable positions when I am watching DVDs or just watching TV.
And now, back to the subject of TVs. I am also in the market for a RP HDTV right now, and will continue to do so for the next year or so. The sets I am looking at though, range anywhere from 42-Inches to about 50-Inches. And I am looking at sets from Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Toshiba (with me leaning a little toward the Toshibas right now, as they seem to offer that elusive balance of picture, performance, and features at an attractive price). Those sets range anywhere from $2,000.00 to about $3,000.00. I believe that I am going to end up with a set along those parameters. But now, if I want to dream a little, then I'll be happy to take a Runco PlasmaWall PL-61cx, a 61-Inch Plasma set, for a cool $32K. Now, how's that for dreaming and drooling?? :)