Help learn diff.between SS and Tube

I am auditioning an Anthem Amp 2 (a Hybrid amp) and it will be a change from my SS Marantz MA 500s in a bi-amp config. I have not had the Anthem more than a few hours (the amp is broke in) and I think right off the bat the Anthem seems to have less bass than my SS. The bass seems to be there, my room shakes, but its not as something, I can't put my finger on it, less "punchy?" Can someone pleez tell me the differences typical of tube and ss amps. Thanks. m-
Less bass is not necessarily a bad thing. Lesser quality bass is. Most tube designs do not have the bass impact of similarly priced SS amps. Heft/weight/slam are a few terms used to describe bass impact while definition/articulation and tuneful might be used to describe quality. Even fervent monitor disciples like bass, but what draws so many to the monitor is the waist-up (midrange to treble) purity and coherence. Quality bass and deep bass in one package is very expensive. If you can't afford the package then honestly decide which you prefer and aim for that mark. Also try fidgeting with speaker placement again; their sound has changed due to the amp replacement and so, perhaps, should their position.
Your tube amp should be more holigraphic in it's imaging than the SS amp also. I totally agree w/Tomthompson less over exagerated bass is more realistic. You're just used to the SS amp and it's bass boost. This sells amps to the masses. Not all SS amps are this way,but you will have to spend big money to get accurate bass in either SS or tube. When I say big money, I mean more than the two amps you are auditioning.
Thank you guys, I have done some placement, and repositiong of acoustic panels, as well as re-tweeked my Lexicon, and I found the sweeet spot, and I think also got used to the "tubey" bass. It does not have the impact as you say, but I think the quality difference is more smooth in the Anthem. The highs and mids are just incredible. Thank you for helping with your suggestions, they really paid off!!! Can't wait to try different tubes just to see....