Help on DVD and Home Theater Set Up

I have a traditional stereo with a pre-amp, and power amps. I listen to vinyl and CD's. Without losing my pre-amp for vinyl, is it possible to incorporate a DVD and the additional channels into my system to achieve a HT?
Yes, it is, but you might not want to. I have found that no matter how hard I tried, the home theater excess (amps, processor, DVD player, ICs, video cable, power cords, etc.) just got in the way of my great two channel stereo sound. I even keep my true home theater (DVD movies only) separate from my small home theater (VCR, satellite, etc.). I highly recommend you keep them separate. But if you have to combine them, you might want to check some of the older posts on this site. Many people have asked this question, and lots of recommendations have been made for pre-amps that allow you to pass through the surround sound signal. I'll let the fellow posters to this site who have this combined setup do the explaining, as they are more qualified than me.
All of us place a different degree of importance on this.I have a combined 80k system. 2 channel is of more importance to me. I have spent 30k in the last year;all for 2 channel.The sound and music in movies is so good to me ;I can't "settle" for a lesser sound when watching movies.I "need " the best my system can provide,for both venues.A great 2 channel;and you're most of the way for HT.