Arcam Diva AVR100...any good???

Does anyone have any experience with this receiver? I understand it has an analog bypass and can be had for as little as $1000. Thanks.
They say it's really nice, for the money, and especially for the 2ch. playback. Rather buy the Arcam than what it should compete against at the price point, denon etc. But my point of view is biased, I really like Arcam. Saw a used set of both the AVR100 and the DV88 super-double-throw-down DVD/CD player the other day for around $1300 on audio Can't beat that with a stick.

There are a couple of reviews floating around, but can't remember where. Try the audioreview receiver page, then pick one (any one i.e., sony), once there, there is a link in the corner to general pro. reciever reviews. Hope it helps.
Hey Chstob, have you heard about the QA problems that the new Arcam DiVAs are having? I have read a few reviews where they praised the performance but complained about the quality of the unit (since it's made in China)...
Rch_cah, I am also looking for receivers in the sub-$1000 category. E-mail me if you would like to discuss more on this subject.
Mgs, No, I have not heard about such problems. I had a DIVA DV88 and thought both the build quality and performance were very high, it gave no trouble whatsoever. I also thought much better than the preceeding line DIVA replaces, since I generally prefer metal to plastic. It is designed in the U.K., even if assembly is outsourced to China, I understand. Still a fan.