2-Channel to home Theater

I'm currently building a 2-channel system consisting of teh following components:

Sonic Frontiers Line 1 Tube Preamp
Thorens TTA2300 Dual Mono Amp (140 wpc, totally separate power supplies and cords -- very sweet)
Joseph Audio RM25Si Loudspeakers
Camelot Round Table DVD/CD Player
Panasonic CT34wx50 16:9 34" Direct View

If I want to go multi-channel at some later date, what would be the best way to go for electronics? Does anyone have recommendations for a surround processor that would mesh well in this system?
Can anyone suggest great 2 channel pre-amps with processor loop or HT bypass? Multiple line level outputs would be a plus.

I know that the current model CJ preamps (14LS and 17LS) have external processor loop hookups, and the 17LS has a pair of line level outputs.

I think I am going to agree with the first suggestion. Get a nice, cost effective a/v receiver (an NAD preferably) and then with the center and rear channel speakers, run them through the receiver and your front L/R speakers?? Just run them through your Sonic Frontiers/Thorens preamp/amp setup. Before hooking up your center channel and rear channel speakers, run the receiver through the processor loop of your Sonic Frontiers preamp, that way when you just want to listen to music, you can switch off the receiver without effecting the sound quality of your 2 channel setup. You can always switch it back on when you want to watch a movie.

Thanks for the responses -- The SF Line 1 actually has a theater pass-through. That was one of the reasons (bonus, really, more concerned with sound) I considered this model. I had looked at the CJ 14 for the same reason, but am getting a pretty good deal on the Line 1.