More power?

I am currently running a SF Line 1 Preamp into a CJ Premier 11 with Audio Physic Virgos. I love the sound of my system, although the Virgos really need to be dragged out into the middle of the room to image properly (serious spousal acceptance issue), and I feel like they are a little weak in the low end. I'm wondering whether upgrading to a more powerful amp (e.g., CJ Premier 12 monos) will make a significant difference in the bass. I was also wondering whether adding a PS Audio power plant would make a difference. Other gear: SF SFCD-1 CD Player, Basis 2000 TT. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
The recommendation for 2 subs is not related to stereo performance. 2 subs, if properly set up, will provide smoother bass with greater dynamic headroom. A single sub, again assuming exacting setup, will enhance, not impair the soundstage performance. Much of the soundstage information is derived from low frequency hall sound which only a full range speaker or a subwoofer can provide. Regarding using a single sub and imaging, if you set the crossover correctly, stereo imaging will not be impaired. This assumes that the sub is not too far to one side. Either the Audio Physic or the REL models will be easy to integrate into your system. Good luck!
I recently went from a CJ 11 to 8a's to drive my Martin Logan ReQuests. The difference was huge. Most noticeable was a big improvement in the bottom end. Try to find some 12's that you can try at home. I think you're efforts will be rewarded. Gook luck.
I am in full agreement with Onhwy61. It really does not make a difference how much more power you feed the Virgos, the subwoofer(s) is the only solution. I lived in a huge loft and know exactly what you are going through.
The C-J Premier 11's two serious shortcomings are a lack of bass punch and narrow soundstage. An ARC VT-100 mk2 or BAT VK-60 would be great improvements on both fronts, as would a pair of Premier 12s(as least according to C-J).
I have driven my AP virgo's with a variety of amps. I found that adding power definitely increased the bass response. You can also decide to sacrifice imaging by placing them near the rear wall - that will increase the bass quite a bit.

I am driving mine with the vt100m2, alternating with pass labs aleph 2's. The vt100 actually has more powerful bass than the alephs. I formerly drove them with a mccormack dna-1 revA/Gold. That amp completely changed the virgo's personality from a good all-arounder to a bass monster. It was startling how powerful their bass was with that amp. I also drove them with a set of sonic frontiers sfm-160 160watt tube amps. Those had better bass than my vt100m2. I own a newer vt100m2 now - I think it sounds better than the old one I had.

If you go with a subwoofer, I recommend you stay with the audio physic line. I think a mismatched sub could screw up the virgo's wonderful clean bass performance. AP makes a smaller sub, the Luna, that you might want to consider.

A third choice you might want to consider is to try some el-34 tubes in your conrad johnson. My old conrad johnson 45watt mv-50 had el-34's in it. EL-34's are known for gutsy bass. It actually outperformed the vt100 when used with my magnepan 1.6QR's. No question about it. I know you can special order a premier 11 with those tubes. Call CJ.