More power?

I am currently running a SF Line 1 Preamp into a CJ Premier 11 with Audio Physic Virgos. I love the sound of my system, although the Virgos really need to be dragged out into the middle of the room to image properly (serious spousal acceptance issue), and I feel like they are a little weak in the low end. I'm wondering whether upgrading to a more powerful amp (e.g., CJ Premier 12 monos) will make a significant difference in the bass. I was also wondering whether adding a PS Audio power plant would make a difference. Other gear: SF SFCD-1 CD Player, Basis 2000 TT. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
I recently went from a CJ 11 to 8a's to drive my Martin Logan ReQuests. The difference was huge. Most noticeable was a big improvement in the bottom end. Try to find some 12's that you can try at home. I think you're efforts will be rewarded. Gook luck.
I am in full agreement with Onhwy61. It really does not make a difference how much more power you feed the Virgos, the subwoofer(s) is the only solution. I lived in a huge loft and know exactly what you are going through.
The C-J Premier 11's two serious shortcomings are a lack of bass punch and narrow soundstage. An ARC VT-100 mk2 or BAT VK-60 would be great improvements on both fronts, as would a pair of Premier 12s(as least according to C-J).
I have driven my AP virgo's with a variety of amps. I found that adding power definitely increased the bass response. You can also decide to sacrifice imaging by placing them near the rear wall - that will increase the bass quite a bit.

I am driving mine with the vt100m2, alternating with pass labs aleph 2's. The vt100 actually has more powerful bass than the alephs. I formerly drove them with a mccormack dna-1 revA/Gold. That amp completely changed the virgo's personality from a good all-arounder to a bass monster. It was startling how powerful their bass was with that amp. I also drove them with a set of sonic frontiers sfm-160 160watt tube amps. Those had better bass than my vt100m2. I own a newer vt100m2 now - I think it sounds better than the old one I had.

If you go with a subwoofer, I recommend you stay with the audio physic line. I think a mismatched sub could screw up the virgo's wonderful clean bass performance. AP makes a smaller sub, the Luna, that you might want to consider.

A third choice you might want to consider is to try some el-34 tubes in your conrad johnson. My old conrad johnson 45watt mv-50 had el-34's in it. EL-34's are known for gutsy bass. It actually outperformed the vt100 when used with my magnepan 1.6QR's. No question about it. I know you can special order a premier 11 with those tubes. Call CJ.