combining amp and receiver for HT

Hi, I probably spend more time on straight music (80%) to HT (20%). I have BW Nautilus 804's driven with a Classe 300 amp. I use a Harmon Kardon 500 as the pre-amp/receiver. When in HT surround mode, I use some BW 602s2 for the rear speakers and let the amp drive the fronts. This seems to work ok, but I don't really get much of a Kick out of HT. Of course I don't have a center or sub which may make all the difference. Question is, whats the best next tweak to "get the best of both worlds"?
OK, thanks for all the feedback. It basically confirms what I thought, I really need both a center and a sub for the real deal on HT. But, can those also be used to augment stereo music using the receiver in Logic7music mode?
Or, if I had a decent pre-amp, can you use it to run a sub? The BW N804's are great highs and mids but really lack in the bass department so it would be nice to enhance that with a sub.
absolutely and a "nice pre-amp" will do the crossover for you. You can have one setting for H/T (higher crossover) giving you more BANGGGG and another setting (lower cross over) for added bass to stereo. I do this in my H/T system with positive results.