Best Sounding Solid State Amp?

Shopping for a high-end solid state amp. Any advice is welcome.
ultimate toys: since your only apparent criterion is "best sounding," i'd recommend the boulder 2050's. they're class a monoblocs rated at 1000 watts into 8, 4 and 2 ohms. best amps i've ever heard, solid state or tubed. BTW, i only wish i owned a pair.
I agree with Wda, the Brown Electronic Lab BEL MArk V 1001. I'd like to bi-amp my magneplanars 3.6's. I have auditioned them, the BELs, but only for a day. They pull more out of the music than most power amps. The best presence and soundstage in a SS amp I've heard. Yet, I am tube bound, but the BELs have my interest, my sincere interest. $4000 for each. If you can, give them a try. Unfortunately no web site.
I agree about the BEL 1001, only problem, unless you can afford a new one, the used ones are VERY rare on the used market.