Which came first, the chicken or the egg

Where do you start? Building HT system (Budget $50K New discounted or used). Just finished ASC's WALL DAMP SYSTEM. Now need quality built and sounding electronics. Something recognized by audiophiles (just in case I turn into a junkie and want to dump it in a few months without getting killed, or laughted at). Value priced and not obsolete before its broken in. Tube or transistor but would like 7.1 capabilities. 75% home theater, 25% good stereo listening.
JUMP IN ! Put a system together and be ready to defend your picks to your death, or yield to someone more experienced and knowledgable.(I've read some of the posts, it can get nasty). You have been challenged.... who's first?
It is possible to integrate very good 2-ch performance into an HT environment. It will take some care in setup and room treatment, and in component selection, but it can be done. Of course, multi-use necessitates some degree of compromise for one or both uses. You can choose which compromises you can/must make given your tastes and budget. Even at $50,000 (which is a very healthy budget) you can't expect to achieve the pinnacle of excellence in either one, so I wouldn't get caught up in the hyperbole. While this is a wonderful place for music, there are several other forums out there that are more video-oriented and at which you can get a lot of help. I don't know if it's proper to mention them here, so email me if you'd like some suggestions. Good luck, and remember to have fun at this!
Hey all, which post is true? Actually, even in dissenting opinions, I think all of you/us have been trying to help the person that started this post. I just noticed that Blob7 ran a post a day earlier saying that he had purchased many items..speakers, amps..etc., then a day later there is this post acting like it's a clean sheet of paper..which is true? Have we all been trying/thinking/spending time and emotion, and we're not even starting out knowing what we're really working with? Especially you J_thunders..you gave this person some good input on the other post about a DVD player/processor. I think all that had input on this post should look at the other post, just click on Blob7 at the bottom of the this post. Which/what do you think/feel is true?
Think we've been had guys....his other post states that he has already purchased the REL Stadium III and now his reply to his post above states that he is thinking of the "Roc sub"...and the list goes on from there..
The only one that has been had here is Blob7. He comes in here as a new guy and posts for the second time looking for information. Where does he post? In the Home Theater Forum. What does he ask about? A hometheater pre/pro that will be for mainly HT use. What does he get? A load of crap talking about the big lie and about how you can't do what you want to do, so don't bother. Later he asks about a DVD/CD player. What does he get? More of the same UNSOLICITED flim-flam which can best be summed up as if you want answers, you first have to get by the 2 channel Gestapo around here--and you can't, so go away.

Why do I care? because the point of this forum is to try and help people the way they want to be helped, not how you think they should be helped. I am so grateful that I did not receive the same treatment after my first inquiry--I would not have stayed. Do I listen to vinyl? No. Do I go into the vinyl forum and tell everyone to quit wasting their money on new tone arms and how vinyl is dead? No. Why? Because that's a COMPLETE pisser.

I do not have one problem with any point of view expressed in this thread, not one. All the points about rooms and vinyl v. CD and problems with mixing HT and 2 ch. are all completely valid and deserving of our complete attention and respect. And I do respect those points of view. But I do have a problem with crapping on a thread to drive some related only remotely side-point home, *especially* if it's a new guy. You want to make your side point--fine, we would all love to hear all about it--start your own thread.

And go ahead, light me up with the negative marks, I could give a shit. I understand those that have trouble forming complete sentences use the voting system to participate--it's often the only way they can. But two things, if you smack me after *everything* I say, it loses it's deterrent effect and I know you're just a cheap vindictive coward. Second, your not going to make a dent.
Actually thunders...my question was, his first post dated the 29th states gear he says he owns including speakers front, center, subs..etc., in this post he sounds like he has an empty room and his 1st reply on this post says he is thinking about speakers totally different than the models he claimed to own the day before. Look at his first response above...he states " do I buy the speakers first"..."thinking of the Talon...", and the day before his post states.."have purchased JMLabs Utopias..."etc.. It is honorable of you to defend a "new guy" this, however, may not be the right one.