Which came first, the chicken or the egg

Where do you start? Building HT system (Budget $50K New discounted or used). Just finished ASC's WALL DAMP SYSTEM. Now need quality built and sounding electronics. Something recognized by audiophiles (just in case I turn into a junkie and want to dump it in a few months without getting killed, or laughted at). Value priced and not obsolete before its broken in. Tube or transistor but would like 7.1 capabilities. 75% home theater, 25% good stereo listening.
JUMP IN ! Put a system together and be ready to defend your picks to your death, or yield to someone more experienced and knowledgable.(I've read some of the posts, it can get nasty). You have been challenged.... who's first?
JThunders: What Whatjd is saying is that Blob had a new system 24 hours before he started this thread (in which he does not now have a system). Here today, gone tomorrow. Get it now?
I've always gotten it. There ain't a rule that says you have to be consistent with everything you post around here. If there was, none of us would be allowed to say anything after the first thing we said.
He wanted something, didn't he Dekay? I'm led to believe he wanted 7.1 electronics in this thread. And I think he wanted a pre/pro and a DVD/CD player in the other thread. How is that fascinating? Is it more fascinating just because everyone learned he already had speakers? We all learned that only after the fact in this thread. Nice diversion, but has nothing to do with why I got upset here.
So $50K is for the pre/pro and transport alone and perhaps cabling (7 mono blocks are listed in the other thread as well as the speakers)? Also what of the screen and projector or monitor which needs to match the electronics? I have read lately of people ending up with an unusable screen area due to a mismatch in regard to this (which sounds like a bummer). I still don't get it. Come on Blob. As you all know by now, my recommendation for cable (digital, and balanced IC's aside) is the Sakura OTA Cable kit (at least for the front and center channels and any analog IC's). Why pay more? I am not certain yet if it works in long runs (like for rear channels). I had already cut it up by the time I thought of this with the first batch.