recommend Progressive-scan DVD players?

Please give me your thoughts/opinions on Progressive-scan DVD players that you've had experience with? What's the best value? I'd prefer one without a decoder built in. Any comments please also on some of them advertised as "progressive-scan" and not actually so? Thanks for your thoughts!
I second the Camelot, but it's pricey. Here are some must reads if looking to buy a DVD player:

Also see and for the best pictures on the web of the Roundtable goto:

The market isn't so one sided as when that article was written though. There are other players that now run the same chipset as the Roundtable, I think EAD's player is an example.
I recently purchased this model from Toshiba and have really enjoyed the performance and features. I picked up one new on eBay for about $1300.
Here's a URL for details if you like:
JT is right. FYI the new Denon also runs the DVDO chip set as well, and is way less money. I have the Sony 9000ES and am very happy with audio as well as video. Once you have used progressive scan, you never want to go back. It is much more natural, and less fatiguing.
Just be sure that the model you buy does true 3/2 pulldown.Good luck.