New category for trades?

I was thinking that I would love to trade my Denon AVR-5700 for a good pre-pro, but Audiogon doesn't have a "Trade" category. This way neither trader loses value.Good idea?
Another excellent proposition by another one of Agon's finest. Don't know how many trades would occur because of it, but it would be fun to try just to see. And I'm sure Agon wouldn't mind creating it, I mean, what are they doing anyway, besides sitting around banning people and deleting posts--probably nothing. :-P
I know there would be difficulties with protection and scams, but maybe we can all figure out a good work around. Open to all suggestions.
Sounds like a great idea to me. Inevitably, I'm trying to sell my current piece in the hope that my sale will finalize and I'll have all my funds to buy the new one. When I buy it's usually from someone going to the next level so it might be difficult to move up in a component line or area if you're trying to arrange a trade. Not too many people trade down, but it does happen occasionally. Who knows, if we at least don't attempt to try something different, who's to say what's possible. As any other transaction here on Audiogon requires honesty and integrity, so too will trading equipment. I'll be a player if you'all can make it come to fruition.
Trading might be workable between two 'certified' members (if that idea ever gets off the ground). Otherwise, unless both parties have accumulated a reasonable quantity of verifiable feedback, I'd be very hesitant to try something like that in light of recent multiple scammers surfacing here. Used to be you could trust just about any member here, but obviously those days are gone..