Best Non Progressive DVD ......

I wish to upgrade my DVD player (Pioneer 414)but since my Pioneer Pro 610 HD has a very decent san doubler I really don't need to spend extra for a progressive DVD player. I am willing to spend up to 1K (new or used OK). I heard a lot about the Pioneer DV-09 but recently read a review that stated it wasn't really that great (doesn't play CD-R audio either). there anything out there that would really be an improvment over the 414?
Denon DVD 3000 used is under a grand, easy. Also look at the 5000. Very nice players. They aren't as pretty as the Pioneer, but I couldn't be happier with mine. Just make SURE not to use the dang tos-link digital connections. Tos-link stinks already, and this player is very finicky with it.

Look at the Arcam D88. It lists for more, but may be available at your price. I really like mine. It is also a good CD player. The Arcam web site has some glowing reviews.

For a "high-end" "non-progressive scan" DVD Player available for under $1K, then I would look at the following players (all of them are discontinued and you will probably end up finding all of them on the used market):

(01). Pioneer Elite DV-09 (about $700.00 to $950.00 used)
(02). Sony DVP-S7000/DVP-S7700 (about $400.00 to $650.00 used)
(03). Denon DVD 3000/5000 (about $500.00 to $700.00 used)
(04). Nakamichi DVD-10s (about $800.00 new)

These are the only ones that I can think of right now, and the ones I would look at before I would look at a brand new DVD Player that lists for about $200.00 or less (build quality isn't there).

Also, if you don't mind getting a "progressive scan" player in spite of your desire not to, then another great player to look at is the Toshiba SD-9100. It was Toshiba's flagship DVD Player last year. It listed for about $2,000.00 when it was brand new. You should be able to snip up a used one for around $600.00 or so. But I wouldn't pay no more than $800.00 for it. Anything above $800.00, then you might as well start looking at a new one.

Hope this turns out to be helpful.

Good Luck,

The Pioneer Elite DV-05 is a strong pick. $350 used, very, very good CD performance, will play CD-R & RW, DVD performance just as good as the DV-09 (I know, because I have both), and has an excellent remote (Instead of the train wreck called a remote for the DV-09). Overall, I actually liked it better than my Sony 9000ES. Good transport too. And whatever you get, plug it into a PS Audio 300 condtioner for a significant improvement. Good luck
I would second the recommendation on the Elite DV-05 as far as video performance goes. I do not have it in a high quality audio system, so CD performance in unknown.