B&W Nautilus Subwoofer to match N804s

I am slowly but surely building my complete Nautilus home theater system. Yes, I haven't eaten anything for a while, but it is worth it. I have purchased the N804s for left/right and the HTM-1 for center. Eventually I will buy two more N804s for the rear (or possibly upgrade to the N803 for the front). Anyway, other B&W owners, what sub do you have with your system? Does B&W make a worthy sub, or should I look to something else? My room is about 17x15, and the sub will be along the side wall, not in the corner. Thanks.
I actually like the HSU VTF-2. Its a bargain and performed (at least to my ears) better than my Rel Strata III for 1/3 the price. In fact I'm sure two would be great. It is built like junk, and is priced low, but can perform very well in terms of output and musical integration. I also like how its appearance is unterstated and does not draw attention.
A well blended pair of Vandersteen subs with attention paid to the crossover and volume levels. Paridign also makes a nice sub to consider, alot less expensive than B&W and every bit as good.

If you have a revel dealer around you, don't hesitate and check out the Revel B15 sub. You will be amazed. I'm using one with my Nautilus home theater system. A GREAT sub for movies and music.