Difference Between 2A3s and 300Bs

Help a newbie out...what's the physical and sonic differences between tube amps that use 2A3s and 300Bs. Thanks!
Trelja: I don't see where we disagree in that my first statement is that the amp itself makes as much difference as the tubes themselves. Also in regard to bass my Reynauds do not go low enough for this to be an issue at the volume levels that I listen. With full range speakers I am certain that it would. In other words the fat mid bass of the 300b supplies a generous foundation in my application and also works well down to the low E string on a Fender Jazz bass that I suspect would be just above 40 htz or so at the center of the note less harmonics. The 300b will not do low pipe organ notes of some concert drums but then neither will my speakers. I am charmed with the overall balance of some of the 2A3 amps that I have listened to but am quite happy with the 300b as I use it. If I ever go with super efficient speakers I would then want to try a 2A3 amp as well. My problem has been finding such a speaker that I can both afford and live with. I am also curious about the modern Lowthers that have modified voice coils to remove some of the brightness. Lowthers though, the older ones at least, did not seem to have much low bass either. I wish that there were more info on the Hammer Dynamics speaker which at their website is large but attractive, IMO, when finished in white. I am also not completely sold on either of these tubes as being the best as my old push/pull Mac 30's sounded very musical and dynamic as well when paired with Rogers Ls3/5a speakers, but I was also using vinyl as a source then.
I am glad to hear we have some common ground Dekay. It makes me feel better that a guy like you thinks along the same lines as me.
Trelja: Yes we do have some like tastes. I for one am a sucker for El34 based amps (even those that are not that great overall). Sound like anyone you know?
dekay, ewe really need to czech these out - ewe seem like a prime prospect! seriously, these tings are wery inrtriguing...


regards, doug

Doug: Those are really extreme considering that they are made from glue/lam wood. I couldn't handle that much wood in one place (I prefer just a few pieces to warm up a room if it needs it), but I like the "Big R" concept, (kind of reminds me of the letters in the Hollywood sign). I can envision them though in a sizeable room with vaulted ceilings. They would make lousy bedside tables down the line though. LOL. I will go back to the site and check out the tubes later.