Krell versus Levinson experience

As posted some time ago, its is difficult to get to have A-B comparisons between amplifiers in Europe, because dealers don´t like to provide home loans. I managed however to spend a whole morning comparing a Krell 200 FPBc, which was my initial first choice and a Levinson 335. Speakers were Martin Logan Prodigy, the front end was a Krell KAV 300CD(non cast) and cable was Transparent. I was astonished as how large the difference bteween the two was. The Levisnon sounded (i) much more controlled in the low and mid bass, (ii) similar in resolution but with a much more relaxed delivery , (iii) with wider soundstage. It may have been the Martin Logans and interconnects, but I had always thought that Krell FPBs matched Martin Logans quite nicely. Just tought I would metion it here as this was a most unexpected result (at least for me)
My experience (my own ears) with the FPB series amps is that they mate better with tube front-in equipment, (tube preamp, cd player, etc.) rather than solid state. I have found that not all equipment mates that well and by changing equipment, the sound of music also changes. What is good to hear Fchurtic is that you are taking the time to actually audition different equipment prior to making your decision, as you began by starting a thread a few days ago comparing FPB 200 to FPB 300. The joy and sometimes painful experiences as I have witnessed in obtaining "sonic nirvana". My opinion on Krell is by no means overrated nor overpriced as to me (my own ears) mated with the right equipment has brought "sonic nirvana" to my ears. Good Luck in your search, sounds like you are taking the right steps.
Way don't use see if you can audition some Pass Labs stuff, it well really give those Levinson and Krell boys a run.
I agree with Briweve. I loved my #331 until I heard the Pass Aleph 4. I put the ML up for sale the next week. It was the proverbial case of "lifting the veil" from the music. Much more real.
do yourself a favor go for either pass x series or jeff rowland.i have own both krell and levinson,i will never buy their products again.
before you rowland/pass guys dismiss levinson take a listen to the levinson #33 monoblocks. unless you have listened to these you can't know what levinson's can sound like.

having owned a levinson #332, #33h monos, and now the #33 monos i do understand that the "sound" of the medium range levinsons can be too "analytical" for some tastes. with the #33 monoblocks you get all the speed, resolution and transparency of the other levinsons and more; way deeper bass, harmonically rich and toneally correct midrange, and basically unlimited power in real world terms.

i haven't heard every amp out there but they are the best i have heard. what is really amazing is how similar to the smoothness and bloom of single ended triods they are.

i am not knocking pass or rowland here; in fact i like their sound and could happily live with either. i have not had any great krell experiences but i have not heard their latest stuff. but, the levinson #33 monoblocks do it all while retaining the intimacy and delicacy i only expect from the better tube amps.

if you can listen to these amps; they are really special IMHO.

happy listening.

mike lavigne