I second (or third?) the recommendation for the Proceed AVP. I own one and love it. Balanced outputs (only front 3 channels) and inputs (1 set)--even provides for a balanced digital input. Upgrade is set for early next year, and its supposed to be big, hardware and software. 2ch music sound is very good. Never heard the Aragon Soundstage, but have heard good things about it. Check out the Bryston SP-1. For your TV viewing I see that you watch History channel and ESPN. Unless you can get that broadcast in widescreen then I don't think a projection TV will be good for you. I own a Mitsubishi 55" Diamond series 16:9 set and a 27" Proscan. When I watch movies I use the Mitsubishi, when I watch TV I use the Proscan. Others may disagree, but I feel that satallite TV just looks terrible on large projection TVs. If you are set on getting an RPTV, check out the Mitsubishi Diamond series. They are nearly as good a the Pioneer Elite for about $1500 less.