Recs for HT upgrade?

Greeting everyone. I am glad to be back from a long hiatus here. Much to my own amazement, I am finally breaking down and improving my HT system. I have decided to leave it separate from my 2 channel system and will be getting a new processor, DVD, and, RP HDTV. One step at a time due to obvious financial reasons. I am a 2 channel person primarily and know much less about HT. Curently I am running

Acurus ACT-3
Pass X-5
B&W Matrix 804s, 805s, Matrix HTM
REL Strata II

I will be using my separate 2 channel for music listening but would like to be able to get a DVD and processor with good audio reproduction. I have been doing a fair amount of research, but live in an area with little to no audio or video stores, so business trips are my only first hand chances and at least my experience with audio stores is I can rarely find a system better than what I have at home and it's too hard to sift out the variables of what's good and bad in the store system. I am trying to figure out both components to look at on my next rip out of town and the order of things to buy.
I would like a processor that is upgradeable and has balanced outs. The lines I have seen that do this are Aragon, CAL, and Krell. I am reticent to consider Krell due to my past experience with Krell and it's sonic signature. I do not know if this carries true any more. Haven't heard the CAL or Aragon. I am open to any processor that has balanced outs, as the Pass runs best in balanced mode.
As far as DVD I want a progressive scan DVD that is good for music. I am considering the Arcam DV-88 and FMJ?-23. I was disappointed with my CAL which was supposed to be upgradeable, but is not upgradeable to DTS or anything else for that matter. It sounds wonderful for music though for the price.
TV's I am considering are in the 60-65" range and liked the Toshiba 65" Cinema Series above Pioneer (not Elite). I have had little exposure to TVs. I am a CNN, ESPN, and History channel person. DVD movies will be the primary use. Any ideas in the $4000-5000 range? Thanks for any input in advance.

Happy listening,


I just checked the Camelot website. And the Roundtable does NOT have balanced outputs. I'm sorry.

I second (or third?) the recommendation for the Proceed AVP. I own one and love it. Balanced outputs (only front 3 channels) and inputs (1 set)--even provides for a balanced digital input. Upgrade is set for early next year, and its supposed to be big, hardware and software. 2ch music sound is very good. Never heard the Aragon Soundstage, but have heard good things about it. Check out the Bryston SP-1. For your TV viewing I see that you watch History channel and ESPN. Unless you can get that broadcast in widescreen then I don't think a projection TV will be good for you. I own a Mitsubishi 55" Diamond series 16:9 set and a 27" Proscan. When I watch movies I use the Mitsubishi, when I watch TV I use the Proscan. Others may disagree, but I feel that satallite TV just looks terrible on large projection TVs. If you are set on getting an RPTV, check out the Mitsubishi Diamond series. They are nearly as good a the Pioneer Elite for about $1500 less.

I would caution you on the Theta CasaNova. I helped a friend buy one here on AudiogoN since he could not afford and AVP. It sounds great, but is very difficult to program and use, including a very poor remote control. It is a very complex unit.