You still sort of left us in the dark as to what exactly you are looking for when it comes to what you want in a DVD Player.
Like for example, what kind of system will this player be used with???? I ask this very question because I don't want to make a recommendation and then it turns out to be the wrong one after the fact. I don't want to recommend a cheap mass market player when in fact you're going to be putting together an all assault expensive system. On the other hand, I don't want you to overspend on a DVD Player when you are in fact going to put together a budget system either.
For example, if you are going to do a budget system, then a $90.00-to-$300.00 player makes better sense. On the other hand, if you are going to put together an expensive system, then you should probably spend a considerable amount of money on the DVD Player (I'm going to say $1,000.00 and up), especially if you are going to be using a HDTV display like a plasma TV or a DLP or LCoS display to take advantage of the capabililties that a $1,000.00+ player tends to offers.
My picks would be the following:
For a budget player ($90.00-to-$300.00):
(01). Toshiba SD-4900
(02). Toshiba SD-4960
(03). Denon DVD-1910
(04). Samsung DVD-HD931
For an expensive player ($1,000.00 and up)
(01). Denon DVD-5900
(02). Pioneer Elite DV-59AVi
(03). Any Arcam Model (DV78, DV79, FMJ-DV27 (or its replacement..... the FMJ-DV29))
(04). Meridian 800 Reference (and THIS baby will run you about $16K)
Hope I helped you a little bit........
You still sort of left us in the dark as to what exactly you are looking for when it comes to what you want in a DVD Player.
Like for example, what kind of system will this player be used with???? I ask this very question because I don't want to make a recommendation and then it turns out to be the wrong one after the fact. I don't want to recommend a cheap mass market player when in fact you're going to be putting together an all assault expensive system. On the other hand, I don't want you to overspend on a DVD Player when you are in fact going to put together a budget system either.
For example, if you are going to do a budget system, then a $90.00-to-$300.00 player makes better sense. On the other hand, if you are going to put together an expensive system, then you should probably spend a considerable amount of money on the DVD Player (I'm going to say $1,000.00 and up), especially if you are going to be using a HDTV display like a plasma TV or a DLP or LCoS display to take advantage of the capabililties that a $1,000.00+ player tends to offers.
My picks would be the following:
For a budget player ($90.00-to-$300.00):
(01). Toshiba SD-4900
(02). Toshiba SD-4960
(03). Denon DVD-1910
(04). Samsung DVD-HD931
For an expensive player ($1,000.00 and up)
(01). Denon DVD-5900
(02). Pioneer Elite DV-59AVi
(03). Any Arcam Model (DV78, DV79, FMJ-DV27 (or its replacement..... the FMJ-DV29))
(04). Meridian 800 Reference (and THIS baby will run you about $16K)
Hope I helped you a little bit........