Where is the best place for amp s

Jhljazz's thread on ringing heatsinks rang a bell with me too. I've noticed that "ringing" phenomenom with heatsinks too, but never tried to correct for it. Conventional thinking suggests that the best place to put a stereo or dual mono amp is on center between speakers so speaker cables can be minimum length-- and dual monos right next to speakers. Well, it seems to me that these locations also would have the highest sonic vibration potential, and this may cause a degradation of music quality due to amp vibrations??? I have to decide soon whether to place my McCormack DNA-2DX amp between the speakers (to get about 6 ft. cable runs) or leave it in my stereo stand, where it's sort of protected from sonic energy, and live with my present 14 ft. cables. I'd like to actually try it, but 5 meter ICs are expensive (Syn. Res. Phase II). Any thoughts or experiences with this? Thanks. Craig.
Hi Craig, my advice is don't do it, I've had long ic's with the components to the side out of the soundfield, and I currently have everything in the middle with the amp in front on an amp stand. I don't notice any difference - if anything I like it better the way it is now, I mean sonically. Call me crazy. As long as your speaks are far enough from the front wall I don't think it matters. I think you have Vandy Sigs so you probably have them in front of your equipment. Give it a test before you commit if possible. I'm a big proponent of short cables all around. Cheers.
Tough decision! I can relate to the high cost of ic's as well, but in my case I have Levinson 33H monos so I placed them near the speakers. Fortunately I found a 35' pair of Transparent Ultra XLR here on Audiogon for the right price.
Having no buyer's remorse and the system is sounding fine, fine, fine!

This is an impossible answer. If you keep the speaker cable runs short then you have all of your gear stacked between the speakers which has its pitfalls. If the amp only sits inbetween for short speaker runs then you generally have long interconnects which in my experience are more degrading than long runs of speaker cable. The amps are putting out a much larger signal level than the preamp. I have not experimented with sonically isolating an amp like in a cabinet or on different stands although I know that in the case of speakers that two stands of equal height but different construction will sound markedly different. My amp currently sits on one side wall on the bottom shelf of a deluxe Room Tunes rack. Double french doors behind the speaker preclude the installation of equipment in that location, so everythings a compromise.