Amp suggestion for Legacy Focus

I have started upgrading my system and would like some suggestions on amps for the Focus. The amps I'm interested in are, not in any specific order: 1.Jeff Rowland Model 2 (this would probably be bi-amped). 2.Classe CA-200S. 3.Marsh A-400S. 4.Bryston 4BST. I'm actually leaning towards the Marsh. As of right now my system consists of: Yamaha line of 1000U components (amp, pre-amp, cd, tuner). My turntable, which will be staying, Denon DP2000 with an SME series III tonearm and Denon 103S cartridge. Legacy Focus speakers (my first upgrade from Infinity Kappa 8's).Interconnects are Monster's Reference line. I have built my own speaker wires, which are 12gauge fine copper, terminated with banana plugs (which are crimped and soldered with high silver content solder), which will be staying also. We listen to primarily rock, but also classical, jazz, big band, orchestral, no opera... yeeeesh. If anyone has any other suggestions they are definetely welcomed. The upgrade after the amp will be the pre-amp, and so on back through the chain. Thank you in advance for any help.
People that think amps or other components all sound the same are simply showing how nieve and inexperienced they are when it comes to trying out various pieces of gear. Sean
A friend of mine finally stopped his search with the Bryston 7B monoblocks, Theta digital, LAMM pre and XLO cabling to feed the Foci. The 7Bs are more power than he needs right now and as I recall those speakers are highly efficient so with that in mind you might want to audition the Bryston 4B. Good luck.
Hi Joysjane, Sean has given you excellent advice as he always does but I would like to add that the Marsh 400 is not warm and full more like clean and a bit lean. A very good amp but may be a bit cool for your system. Good luck to you.
Thanks all for the responses. Will let ya'll know which way I went and how it turned out.