Comments on Rogue Preamps?

I am currently shopping around for a tube pre-amp under $2000. I have heard some good things about the rogue pre-amps. I will be driving Magnepan speakers with an Odyssey Stratos Amp. Can anyone with a Rogue comment on satisfaction level. Thanks.
i found the cary slp98 to be marginally better than the rogue in all areas except the bass response - where it was a *lot* better. current-production can be found for quite a bit less than $2k. but, i prefer the melos ma-333/music director, which can also be found for ~$2k, or less - in another league altogether, imho...
Here are a couple of suggestions. I own a pair of the Odyssey monoblocks and they are truly wonderful. I am using a Stan Warren passive pre-amp and it is incredible. You may be able to talk Stan into building you one. He is is "S" in the former PS Audio. He is a great guy to deal with. He has built this unit for me along with a modded Pioneer 525 DVD player. I am very happy with the results.His phone number is (541)344-3696. If you are not interested in a passive pre-amp call Klaus and ask him about the Tempest pre-amp. I think these options are far better than Rogue for a lot less money.