Comments on Rogue Preamps?

I am currently shopping around for a tube pre-amp under $2000. I have heard some good things about the rogue pre-amps. I will be driving Magnepan speakers with an Odyssey Stratos Amp. Can anyone with a Rogue comment on satisfaction level. Thanks.
i found the cary slp98 to be marginally better than the rogue in all areas except the bass response - where it was a *lot* better. current-production can be found for quite a bit less than $2k. but, i prefer the melos ma-333/music director, which can also be found for ~$2k, or less - in another league altogether, imho...
Here are a couple of suggestions. I own a pair of the Odyssey monoblocks and they are truly wonderful. I am using a Stan Warren passive pre-amp and it is incredible. You may be able to talk Stan into building you one. He is is "S" in the former PS Audio. He is a great guy to deal with. He has built this unit for me along with a modded Pioneer 525 DVD player. I am very happy with the results.His phone number is (541)344-3696. If you are not interested in a passive pre-amp call Klaus and ask him about the Tempest pre-amp. I think these options are far better than Rogue for a lot less money.
The Rogue is as good as you will get.Sedond should refrain from commenting.He was not happy after 1 hour and did not break his unit in contrary to his claims.He had it sold before it was even warm.
Stay away from passive preamps you wont be happy.I have never heard one sound good.
I use a 66 and am happy.I have the Phono version with some mullard 4003 in the line stage and the stock tubes in the phono stage.This unit is so quite you would think it was not turned on.
For the same money you could do much worse than Rogue.