bat vk 60 vs rogue mono 120s

anybody with experience with these. wonder which has better sound quality 120s in triode or bat. auto bias....does it really work? any thoughts would be appreciated. other amp suggestions in this price range? thanks
what speakers do you use davidd99.In my case the M-120 work because of the look and tubes tucked in the back.
David99,I was curious.I dont know this model.Is it a monitor or a full range speaker.
Leafs, the 80 is a 3 way design.It has an aluminum dome tweeter,kevlar mid driver and a ? bass driver.I believe both are 7 inch.It has 2 sets of posts which I use with MIT T-2 biwires.I got into Paradigm early in my addiction and I had a 100% trade up on them(1 year) I started with the Titans then gradually over 3 years ended up with the 80's.I considered going next with the flagship 100's but I thought the bass would be too much for my room.The 80's are very smooth with terrific bass.They play nice and loud with my 30 wpc Aleph-3.They list for $1700.I got mine for $1000/floor demos.I think my system has gotten to a level where I should consider better speakers but I also want a new cartridge,conditioner,amp stand,power cords,CDP etc,etc..... fun hobby,huh!??