Latest comments on PS Audio PP?

Last Fall it received lots of discussion, but there hasn't been much said lately about the PS Audio Powe Plant. Now that it's been in use for awhile what do owners think? Same thing for the Multiwave option, too. Thanks!
I use the multiwave option and I think it's amazing. I had tried a number of other conditioner products and each one had it's good and bad aspects. I think the PS w/ multiwave is the best of all of them without the downsides. What got me to finally pop for one was looking through the reviewers in Audiophile voice, TAS and Stereophile and realizing that about 75% of them use the PS Power plants. If they are not using the PS, they tend to use nothing. My opinion, it's a must have product to receive the best from your equipment.
I absolutely agree with Jadem6 and have seen other comments reflecting positive results. I have not seen any negative comments on "Power Plants" and I have a P600 with MW that I
can't stop using. I have had Tice and Audio Power, but this
product is what the audiophile has dreamed about for years. I even plan on getting a P1200 to power my Krell 300S amp.
My system sounded best plugged straight into dedicated wall
plugs before the Power Plant became available. Definately product of the year is a well earned statement.
I love my P600 w/multiwave. I would hate to go back to plain power. And my Pioneer Elite projection TV benefits just as much.

Basically, the PP makes your system sound as good as it can, all the time.
I didn't state it, but I know what Mg123 means with the Pioneer Elite. I am using the HD-710 and could not beleive the improvement of an already awesome picture. My recent I.S.F. calibration tech even commented on how stable my power was when one of tests reflects any A/C fluctuation.
Ditto, ditto, ditto.

P300 w/MultiWave.., one of the best "high-end" purchases I've ever made.