Latest comments on PS Audio PP?

Last Fall it received lots of discussion, but there hasn't been much said lately about the PS Audio Powe Plant. Now that it's been in use for awhile what do owners think? Same thing for the Multiwave option, too. Thanks!
Yeah. Pardon me for having even opened the discussion considering the -2,-2 vote the *question* got. Guess I'll refrain from being inquisitive about other people's experience from here on. Wouldn't want to piss off any of the obviously more sensitive amongst us again...
Ya Fpeel I get the same -2 on my responces has well. I think you should have to give your reasons for rating post and not just -2.
Absolutely agree with all positive comments, but in my system (EAD electronic + Proac 1.5 speakers) I got one negative effect using PP300: now it sounds too forward at any mode.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Homosapien--one thing you might want to try is repositioning your speakers, if only just a little. I wound up doing so when I first put in the Ultimate Outlet, as I had thought that while the outlet made some improvements, there were some unusual side effects involving the soundstaging. Moving the speakers just a little snapped things back into focus. Maybe the extra detail or lower noise floor, whatever it is, brings out additional aural cues which upset the balance you had before. Worth a try, anyway. Good luck.