Any feedback on BAT VK200

Just curious as to what people have to say about this piece.
I have got one, what do you want to know?
In my system, it has authority at loud and soft volume but it can play very loud (for 100 watts), has excellent control of the bass drivers, the treble is extended, sounds a tad warm (but I have a tube preamp). I would recommend checking it out without hesitation. It does get hot, even at low power. I compared it to Krell and Classe. I thought it was better for my system. The problem with BAT is you might have trouble getting a good price.
I have a CD connected to a Proceed DAP, SF Line 2, Vandersteen 2ce and can run the whole sheband balanced.
I had a vk200 for 2 yrs before I went with a vk60 tube amp. It's great. I had a Classe before, also 100/ch. The Bat is a great amp. What speakers? I used Hales and Audio Physic...
If you like MUSIC, you will like the VK200. I run mine with a CAL Icon MkII Power Boss CD, Bryston BP-25 preamp, and B&W 802's with North Creek outboard crossovers. The BAT replaced an Aragon 8008BB, rated 200W/ch, and it is every bit as powerful with its 100W rating. Highs are sweet yet extended, with incredible definition and three dimensionality in the midrange. Bass is mellow and musical, with good control of low frequencies. Runs hot, but it's supposed to. I think the BAT is very well made.
Willyb, I just wrote a quick review about it on the tread lev335 or bat vk50/vk60. I am very picky on spending my hard earned cash, I don't like to make errors when all it takes is research(auditioning). After audioning many amps, I had no choice but to buy one(demo vk200 $1,800). I don't like it, I love it. With the bat 3i and vk200 combo its audio heaven for me(speakers ML aerius i). Before I bought it and knowing I was going to get it, I called the bat company and their customer relations is great. I actually after 30min told the guy I had to go. I did not find the above combo warm. It was deep/tight control base, and beautiful mids and highs. Surenergy......... Don't know if it will work for you, but it did for me. Audition at home. good luck pete.
I'm currently using the Bat vk200 with Bat vk-40 (w/six-pack option) into some eggleston fontaine speakers. All I can say the Bat combo is extremely musical, and is detailed without being analytical. Build quality is top-notch. It actually sounds more powerful than my former 150wpc Proceed Amp2. Good luck!