Help needed to make processor decision.

There are no dealers in my area that carry any of these processors:

Meridian 568
Classe SSP 75
Bryston SP-1
California Audio Labs CL 2500 SSP

I have read many good reviews about each but, since I can't audition any of them I need your help to decide which one would work best in my system. I am hoping to reduce the brightness I hear from the tweeters on my NHT 3.3s. Here are the components in my system to consider:

Classe 25 two channel amp (250 watts)
Wadia 20 CD transport
Wadia 25 DAC
NHT 3.3s
Cardas Golden Cross XLR Interconnect (DAC to Classe amp)
Cardas Golden Cross bi-wire speaker cable

I plan on removing the Wadia 25 DAC and routing the Wadia 20 CD transport to the new processor.
The video inputs on the Classe 75 would be nice but, not necessary.

Thanks for your input.

The only Lexicon unit that has balanced outs is the MC 12 Balanced which is way above my budget. The Theta Digital Casanova only has 20 bit DACs and the Casablanca is way above my budget.


Thanks for the info. I have been leaning all along toward the Classe SSP 75 because of my main amplifier but, I hear so many good things about the other pieces it is hard to decide. I'll have to check out the z-systems Rdq-1 you suggested. Maybe I really need to check out Jimmy's suggestion and narrow my choices down to a couple of units and see if the dealer will ship them for me to demo.

I just got this response from JS Audio. I have also asked the same question of many other dealers that carry the products I am looking for. I will post them when received.

Hi Michael,
You have a very nice music system. Classe' 25 is great, I'm a big advocate of Cardas, and Wadia products are excellent .This is easy, the Meridian 568 is the finest processor on the Planet. This is the benchmark by which all others are judged. You will be able to upsample 24/88.2 in stereo and Meridian's propriety Trifield ( 3 front speakers ) and by late summer a new hardware upgrade will be available that will allow multi channel upsampling at 96/24, and dolby digital AC-3 & DVD-A. This unit as it stands has no competition-------strong statement but very accurate. I have the Classe' the Bryston in my store , all are very good. Meridian is the Best. If you can work with computers and follow there set up procedures the 568 will tonally taylor your system to the balance you desire. Please call me tomorrow and I'll be happy to provide any additional information you require. We just set up the New 800.3 / 861.3 system with all the new processors and upsampling capabilities, amazing.
Thank you,
Joseph Stromick
PS. check out the Meridan website link from my site, JSAUDIO.COM
PSS. Don't do any video input switching unless necessary------it degrade the picture.
Ok, have you considered the new Anthem processor? Balanced outputs and inputs, seems to be reasonably priced. Cannot comment on the sound quality however.

Forgive me if I go out on a limb here, but I feel your brightness problem is coming from your Classe 25. That whole series had a glare in the top end. Before I started swapping in processors, my suggestion would be to try the Gamut D200 amplifier. I bet you would solve the "tweeter problem" in an instant. I've heard both your 25, and the Gamut, and the Gamut makes the 25 sound ill.

Good Luck!


You may very well be right about the Classe 25. Unfortunately, I will have to live with it for a while. That's why I'm hoping one of the processors will partially solve the problem. Isn't the Anthem a tube preamplifier made by Sonic Frontiers? Thanks for your help!
