Classe vs Levinson

Umm, I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the Classe 401 with a Levinson 336. My speakers are B&W 802N with a Levinson 380S pre-amp and a Sonic Frontiers CD. Is the Levinson really worth the extra 3 Grand, taking the law of diminishing returns into account?
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I've owned both the Levinson 336, the new Classe CAM350 monoblocks and the Krell FPB300c. Neither of those amps are very musical sounding. The Levinson is much too dull and the bass is decent but not realistic or fun to listen to. The class was the most musical sounding but lacked the last word in detail. The Krell was by far the most detailed sounding and I think some people call it machine like because it emphasizes the treble, which is why you hear all the air around a recording. Using them I demoed their respective preamps (380s, KCT etc..) and I didnt' really like any of them. It wasn't until I tried a Audio Research Preamp that I found bliss. The point of a preamp is to add harmonics to the sound aka musicality. The point of an amp is to be able to drive a speakers and as far as that went, the Krell was by far the fastest and more powerful of the amps. I would go with a Krell FPB300 with an Audio Research or Conrad Johnson amp, somewith with somewhat euphonic sound. It'll make the combo sound very neutral. You never want to much of any one sound or it'll get boring or tiring. The Audio Research and Krell combo are hard to beat. I've also tried Goldmund and Spectral which I think are the most detailed and musical products out there. I am going to sell my setup to get Goldmund, because it has the musicality of tubes with the speed and precision of solid state. I hope this helps.
Build your system with components all from the same manufacturer and your end results will pay off, as u will not run in circles trying to compensate for sonic differences between manufacturers.
I agree with the post before mine. Stay with the same gear thats where the synergy is at its best providing the equipment is good. AND THERE IS NO WAY THE KRELL IS BETTER THAN LEVINSON.... PEOPLE SOMETIMES MISTAKE A BRIGHT SYSTEM AS A DETAILED ONE THE LEVINSON PRODUCES TRUE DETAIL.......
Thank you all for your input. Although I thought my question was straight forward, simple and to the point, someone apparently must have thought not. So they gave me a double -2 . Would this person please advise me of the appropriate method I should now use to commit suicide in an honorable audiophile fashion? Would replacing the rectifier tubes in my amp with my index fingers while standing in water do the trick for you?
I have only heard the Levinson, which I liked a lot. But I can even out the vote. Hopefully I won't get a -2 for doing it !