Extended Warrenty???

I recently puchased a 65" Mitsubishi big sceen TV. The dealer was really pushing the extended warrenty (5 years for about $350). Are these necessary? Helpful? Do you really need to clean/realine these every year? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I can still get in on it before the TV is delivered. Thanks!
Kelly - the Sony Store is a sanctioned retail outlet here in Canada and is operated by Sony Canada. Only Sony gear save some PSB speakers for HT applications...
rgd: for your sake, i truly hope you are correct in your assumption. sorry, but i'm not a licensed canadian barrister. hard enuf just keeping up with my usa legal specialties. -cfb
I read this report concerning Best Buy extended warranties. The report claims that management puts so much pressure to push them, that sometimes salesmen will find an excuse (ex. 'not in stock') not to sell the item if the customer refues the ext. warranty.

As someone who has worked a lot of retail, it is apparant to me that they are sly rip offs. Getting a store to honor an extended warranty will surely be a challenge, and most likely, you won't even need it. You can't cheat an honest man. Have fun with your TV.
Although the standard answer is no, I think it is not so simple. Several years ago I purchased a laptop from someone who stuck me with a lemon. Fortunately for me it had an extended "transferable" warrentee. After two unsuccessful repairs the warrentee company decided to give me $1200 credit towards a new unit at a major retailer. I only paid $600 for the original computer so it was a real windfall. Consider the hourly cost of repairs plus parts and the cost of a warrentee can be a real bargain. It is also a major selling point if you sell. BTW I am still using the second laptop after two years and am typing this follow up on said machine !
Most Electronics are "bad" right out of the box if they are going to fail. Under these circumstances the manufacturer's warranty will cover it. Extended warranties should never be purchased.