What's the best 5 channel for less then 1K?

Need an amp around 100w/channel x 5 that can
actually play music as well as the dialog and boom
blast of sound tracks. Looking at Parasound, Sony
others. Any recommendations? Needs to drive 3 ohm speakers.
For $1100, you should take a look at the Outlaw 5.1 channel amp. Outlaw sells direct to buyer via Internet, and their power amp and receiver have both gotten very good reviews by several audio mags. Check their Web site for more info:

The other brands you need to explore in this price range include the smaller, 5-channel amps by Adcom and Rotel.
Here is an amplifier suggestion:

Buy FOUR NAD 2400's (about $250 each) and bridge (or if possible, BIAMP) two for right and left, bridge (or if possible, BIAMP) the third for a center channel and use the fourth for surrounds!

LOADS of high current output, plenty of power, complete flexibility and easily upgraded.

Takes space, but sounds great! Same can be done with the Parasound HCA-1000's!

Will you be running a sub in the future ? If so, that means SIX channels of amplification. Dan's suggestion of picking up a few older but still solid 2 channel amps may work wonders for you. Using three 2 channel amps would make such a set-up a breeze AND probably keep money in your pocket.

For one thing, a 2 channel amp would probably be more stable into a lower impedance. Most "reasonably priced" multi-channel amps compromise the power supply, as it is one of the most expensive parts of an amp. As such, using multiple 2 channel amps would probably put you ahead in terms of both sonics and reliability.

Taking this approach would also give you more versatility in terms of choosing products. You have a much wider variety to match the tonal balance of your speakers and source components this way. Only drawback to this is that it will take up more space.

By the way, what are you using for speakers and signal chain ? Any specific sonic preferences in terms of the amps tonal qualities ? Sean