Integrated amp with 2 pair binding posts

I would like to power up two sets of speakers with an integrated amp. I have found only the Audio Analogue Puccini SE to have two pairs of binding posts (unswitched). Are there any others?
Thanks for all the info. I probably will not play both speakers at the same time. However, I would like to have the option of being able to play them at the same time ( one set of speakers are on the porch). I would look into amps that would allow the speakers to be switched. The other option would be to buy a speaker switch box (Adcom/Jamo/Niles) and hook one of the pairs of binding post to it. My speakers are 8 ohms and since the speaker switch boxes are wired in series it should not be a problem. I presume that the speakers may require more power to get them to play louder.
My Audiolab 8000A has two sets of posts and I would assume (but don't know for sure) that the 8000S probably has as well. Discontinued because Tag McLaren acquired Audiolab, but there still may be some new units available (at half price!) from Artech Electronics, the distributor. More in line with the price range of the Puccini. Info on the amps is posted on Artech's web site.
the best way to go (but more of an expense) would be to have an integrated with a nice preamp lne out. My bedroom set up uses a mesa tigris. i use the fixed out to drive a set amp in an adjacent den and use the variable out to drive a rel sub. works beautifully.