Opinions on the ulitmate dvd demo...

I have a pretty decent HT system that I love to demo to friends and family. I usually use "The Fifth Element" or the pod racing scene from the latest Star Wars movie. I'd like to know some of your favorite DVD's for 5.1 or 7.1 demos.

Best demo disc is one of those set-up utility disks. I think its called Ultimate DVD; it has DD vs DTS comparisons and helpful tips on set up. The coolest feature is the demo of a Harley Davidson starting up, then driving around the room. WOW!!! Make sure the neighbors as well as any wife and children are gone!!!

Try NetFlix.com. They stock over 10,000 DVD titles which are mailed right to your door. In Fremont you should get great service (1 day mail to and from).

Here are some of my favorite dvds that I like to demo my sytem with.

1. The Matrix Scenes 15, 29, and the end of 31 the bullett dodging scene.
2 U-571 deep tones throughout the film
3. The 13th Warrior the last battle scene
4. Toy story 2 opening scene is just awsome
5. The Patriot great movie for showing off those surrounds
These are all good demos. Just a couple more that I like is: Terminator2 Fight seen in the bar and getting on the Harley(listen to the shotgun and the shell fall). Also I always demo SPEED when tweeking my system, scene where they race to the building and then in the elevator shaft going down to check out the elevator bomb. Listen to the echo in the shaft as they talk.