Skip the online deal - Home Depot, Lowes or any electrical supply house worth it's salt will have these items on the shelf. I bet even a True Vlue would order them in in a couple of days. Be sure though to check that each device has a prominent green dot on it - this tells you that it is NEMA-approved UL hospital grade. Expect to pay between $7 and $12 for each device.
While you're wiring be sure to consider whole house surge protection on you panel ... takes up one breaker position. It doesn't releive you of the need for additional protection of very sensitive devices ... but can take a huge amount of load from your point of use supression devices.
Congrats on the new house and good luck with it.
While you're wiring be sure to consider whole house surge protection on you panel ... takes up one breaker position. It doesn't releive you of the need for additional protection of very sensitive devices ... but can take a huge amount of load from your point of use supression devices.
Congrats on the new house and good luck with it.