Need recommendations on the following processors

Music 40% Home Theater 60%

Looking used right now.

Classe SSP-25 or 50
Anthem AVP 20
Aragon Soundstage
Lexicon DC-1
Sunfire Theater Grand

Any others you recommend would be great as well.

Sean, you should have grabbed the Primare P30 from his pickup bed and ran as fast as you could! :)

Interesting story.
I own the Lexicon DC1...its a great piece, but far too outdated for you to buy...I am concidering the Anthem myself, but haven't made a final decision.
I was in your position a couple of months ago and decided to get the Integra Research RDC-7. Great review in both music and movie. The best upgrade program (together with Tag) that I ever heard of. They are shipping with DTS-ES, Pro Logic II, Neo... (their last upgrade) and there is an upgrade coming anytime which will improve bass management (biggest drawback of this pre-pro is the fixed crossover at THX's 60Hz), change some hardware...
Considering that you're a 60% Home Theater guy (like me), I would seriously consider this Pre-Pro. It also has balanced outputs for all channels, 7.1 analog inputs for DVD-A and SACD and great measurements on Stereo music playback...