Hello Snooker. I've played with just a huge variety of amps in my time, on a huge variety of speaker as well! (I've worked in 4 high end audio stores...and one Good Guys)
My experience with the newer Classe amps is that, overall, they are great amps for the money no doubt. However, looking at some of the other amps that have been mentioned here, what I think you'll find is that, in comparison to some of the better choices, you'll find your Classe to sound a bit euphonic sounding w/less immage specificity and tightness, not as detailed and extended in the high's, and with less bass control, soundstage trasparency and detail.
I think, for the most part (but system matching and room environment have a huge part to play here) mating the amp to your sytem will only be decided properly by you "tooning your Farrari" so too speak, and trying some of these better amps for yourself! Best of luck...I think you'll have to try and play a bit.
My experience with the newer Classe amps is that, overall, they are great amps for the money no doubt. However, looking at some of the other amps that have been mentioned here, what I think you'll find is that, in comparison to some of the better choices, you'll find your Classe to sound a bit euphonic sounding w/less immage specificity and tightness, not as detailed and extended in the high's, and with less bass control, soundstage trasparency and detail.
I think, for the most part (but system matching and room environment have a huge part to play here) mating the amp to your sytem will only be decided properly by you "tooning your Farrari" so too speak, and trying some of these better amps for yourself! Best of luck...I think you'll have to try and play a bit.