One of the best demos I ever heard was the the AP Virgo driven by Audio Research CA50 and supplemented by the AP Rhea subwoofer.
Regarding the general question of integrated vs. separates, at some high level separates pull away from integrated, but at real world levels integrated have much to offer. With units from Jeff Rowland, Conrad-Johnson, Musical Fidelity, Sonus Faber, Pathos, Krell, etc., it's clearly possible to get first rate sound from integrated amps.
Regarding the general question of integrated vs. separates, at some high level separates pull away from integrated, but at real world levels integrated have much to offer. With units from Jeff Rowland, Conrad-Johnson, Musical Fidelity, Sonus Faber, Pathos, Krell, etc., it's clearly possible to get first rate sound from integrated amps.