Screen Size vs. Room Size/Viewing Distance


I know that the optimum viewing distance for an HDTV image is much less than that of a 480 line image, however, we are currently in a state of flux as far as what we are watching. Most will have regular TV resolution displayed for the most part on an HD capable TV, with the occasional DVD movie utilizing their TV's real potential.

All that being said, I was just curious what situations many of you have. I am in the process of buying a new TV, and am stuck in the middle between my preference for the flat tubes and the need for something bigger and desire for widescreen viewing (projection). I am buying for a room that is 27' x 15', with my 'prime' viewing postitions about 10 feet away. My current state of mind has me somewhere around a 47-53" widescreen as optimal. Wonder what you all think or have.....

I have 100" 4:3 and sit about 9 feet away, it is a little grainy at times, but any one who says size doesn't matter hasn't used anything large before :)

I use a 46" Mitsubishi 16:9 at about 14 ft. and like the sharpness, brightess, and 16:9 ratio-- no grain with this size and distance. Cheers. Craig
We sit appr 10' away from a 55" Mitsubishi. My findings are that the better aligned and calibrated the TV is, the less critical viewing distance or angle becomes. Finding this out after we purchased this one, i might have aimed for a 60" unit. Sean