AMP for 804 Nautilus

I am looking for a new amp currently have BK 7250 and Ref 30 looking for upgrade to drive the nautilus 804. What is a good amp outhere to take full capacity of the B&W I was thinking about Bryston, Classe, and Conrad Johnson. Also anybody have Classe 201 with Ref 30 B&K. Any suggestion thanks.
Recently auditioned the 804 with Classe amp ... very nice to my ears. Try a tube front end with a good solid state amp? If you like it, buy it. If you don't like it go elsewhere. If you're really into the toob sound, the N804 will reveal the difference between eletronics in an almost ruthless fashion. Garbage in, garbage out. Take your time and trust your own ears.
Proceed's not known as bright, I think that's Krell (but that aint an invitation for a flame war, if its wrong just say so) Proceed is good clean but dry power. Pretty neutral--described as gray in color sometimes. No added jingle. But there is a lot of it, wide and deep.

Classe has the juicy warm musical sound from what I remember.

Cant go wrong with Bryston-they're solid. I ran McCormack for a long time, similar to Bryston. Less expensive than Bryston in the aftermarket too. Very nice amp.

If I didn't already have the Proceed, I'd probly be getting a Bryston cause their so manly, or try the moon cause of all the good I've heard about it. But if you really like tube sound, look at tube amps, not these solid state's.
I'll add a vote for the Proceed HPA2. Definately not bright, and lots of power.
Dbui1 Did you try the Bryston 4B ST, when you brought your speaker and try it on with the Bryston did it sound kind of bright for you. I liked Bryston amp also I think it is the best amp outhere for the price but afraid it is too bright for the Nautilus in the HF, really like the bass those. If you can let me know i really appreciate that.
I used to work for a high-end dealer who tried lots of amps that didn't work. Finally found that Primare(from Scandinavia) finally was able to open them up. Their stuff is relatively new to the U.S. so may be hard to find, but it's very attractive and built like a brick craphouse. I've since moved and have recently been to another well-resepected high-end store who also coincidentally found Primare to be a particularly good match for B&W. On a relative scale it's also priced attractively. Best of luck.